EndodonciaNíquel-Titanio en endodoncia. |
La aleación de níquel-titanio ha entrado en el mundo de la endodoncia. La literatura publicada hasta la fecha es aun escasa, pero tras su revisión, el autor concluye que la flexibilidad del níquel titanio hace de el un material ideal para utilizar en la fabricación de instrumentos de endodoncia. Las limas de NiTi, tanto manuales como mecánicas, tienen capacidad potencial para mejorar la capacidad de los clínicos para instrumentar sistemas de conductos radiculares curvos. Es necesaria más investigación para poder definir mejor las limitaciones y fuerzas del NiTi, y para determinar los diseños de lima y las técnicas a utilizar para sacar el máximo partido de este exclusivo material. |
Palabras clave: Instrumentos para conductos radiculares.
Nickel-Titanium alloy has entered the world of endodontics. The references we have concerning this material are few, but after reviewing them the author concludes that the flexibility of nickel titanium makes it an ideal material for use in the manufacture of endodontic instruments. NiTi files, both hand and rotary, have the potential to greatly improve the clinicians ability to instrument curved root canal systems. Future research is needed to better define the limitations/strengths of NiTi, and to determine the file designs and techniques to take best advantage of this unique material. |
Keywords: Root canal instruments.
1. Civjan S, Huget EF, DeSimon LB. Potential applications of certain nickel- titanium (Nitinol) Alloys. J Dent Res 1975; 54(1): 89-96.
2. Walia H, Brantley WA, Gerstein H. An initial investigation of the bending and torsional properties of nitinol root canal files. J Endodon 1988; 4(7): 346-351.
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4. Miura F, Mogi M, Ohura Y, Hamanaka H. The super-elastic property of Japanese NiTi alloy wire for use in orthodontics. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 1986: 90: 1-10.
5. Khier SE, Brantley WA, Fournelle RA. Bending properties of superelastic and non-superelastic nickel-titanum orthodontic wires. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 1991; 99(4): 310-18.
6. Serene TP, Adams JD, Saxena A. Nickel-titanium instruments, applications in endodontics. Ishiyaku EuroAmerica, Inc., St Louis, MO 1995: 62-63.
7. McSpadden JT. Rationales for rotary nickel-titanium instruments, NT Company, Chattanooga, TN. 1995.
8. Camps JJ, Pertot WJ. Torsional and stiffness properties of nickel-titanium K- files Int Endodon J 1995; 28: 239-43.
9. Shoha, Glickman GN. Evaluation of NiTi systems and conventional filing degree of apical extrusion. J Endodon 1996; 22(4):194.
10. Himel VT, Ahmed K. Instrumentation effects of endodontic files on canal shape and apical foramen. J Endodon 1993: 19(4): 208.
11. Esposito PT, Cunningham CJ. A comparison of canal preparation with nickel- titanium and stainless steel instruments. J Endodon 1995; 21(4): 173-76.
12. Gambill JM, Alder M, del Rio CE. Comparison of NiTi and stainless steel hand file instrumentation using computed tomography. J Endodon 1996; 22(7): 369.
13. Himel VT, Moore RE, Hicks VE. The effects which endodontics files have on canal shape. J Endodon 1994; 20(4): 204.
14. Haller RH, Glosson CR, Dove SB, del Rio CE. Nickel-titanium hand and engine driven root canal preparations: a comparison study. J Endodon 1994; 20(4): 209
15. Luiten DJ, Morgan LA, Baumgardner JC, Marshall JG. A comparison of four instrumentation techniques on apical canal transportation. J Endodon 1995; 2(1): 26-32
16. Tepel J, Schafer E, Hoppe W. Properties of endodontic hand instruments used in rotary motion. Part 1. Cutting efficiency. J Endodon 1995; 21(8): 418-421
17. Schafer E, Tepel J, Hoppe W. Properties of endodontic hand instruments used in rotary motion. Part 2. Instrumentation of curved canals. J Endodon 1995; 21(10): 493-497
18. Coleman CL, Svee TA, Rieger MR, Wang M, Suching JA, Glickman GN. Stainless steel vs. Nickel-titanium K-files: Analysis of instrumentation in curved canals. J Endodon 1995: 21(4): 221
19. Berry KA, Primack PD, Loushine RJ, Runyan DA. Nickel-titanium vs. stainless steel finger spreaders in curved canals. J Endodon 1995; 21(4): 221
20. Dwan JJ, Glickman GN. 3-D photoelastic stress analysis of NiTi and stainless steel finger spreaders during lateral condensation. J Endodon 1995; 21(4): 221.
21. Speler, Glickman GN. Volumetric and densitometric comparison between nickel-titinium and stainless steel condensation. J Endodon 1996; 22(4):195.
Gerald N. Glickman, DDS, MD.
Universidad de Michigan (EE.UU.)